Garden Gala for Guatemala Fundraiser


Garden Gala for Guatemala Fundraiser

RMP held it's first Garden Gala for Guatemala fundraiser this October. It was a well attended get-together for folks in the community to see how their local chapter of EWB is helping provide water to a special village in Guatemala. We provided food, drinks and information about the project. Participants enjoyed a diverse raffle, booze pull, photo booth and an opportunity to learn about how they could help another person get water. We were able to earn about $2000 for RMP through this event! It was a fun afternoon and a great way to make a difference!


Garden Gala for Guatemala


Garden Gala for Guatemala

RMP has been working hard the last few months designing a water system for a community in rural Guatemala. Water is something that we take for granted here in the US and is a great need in a lot of places.

Join us for a casual backyard party to raise money for EWB-RMP’s Guatemalan water project!

When you breakdown the numbers, it costs $20 to provide one person water. $20! We are asking for folks to come and give one person access to water. In return, you get food, beer and a fun afternoon. 

We will have information about the community, slide shows about our recent trips, folks to tell you how you can get involved, silent auction, a booze pull and more. The location is: 
270 S. 39th Street, Boulder.

If a $20 suggested donation isn't in your budget right now. Thats ok! Please come learn about our cause and support in any way you can. Bring a friend or many friends! All ages are welcome.

 If you want to see more about our Guatemala Project, check out website here:


RMP announces a new Guatemala program!


RMP announces a new Guatemala program!

RMP is very excited to announce that we are beginning a new program in the Ixil Region in the highlands of Guatemala! The new program will join our continuing Nepal program and allow RMP to help engineer change in a new part of the world.


Interview with local Women's Group, Ilam, Nepal

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Interview with local Women's Group, Ilam, Nepal

EWB-RMP member Jon Monson conducted an interview with the Green City Women's Group (GCWG) based in Ilam, Nepal during some rare downtime on the RMP assessment trip. The women's group was formed in June 2013 as a response to the Ilam Green City designation the year before by the government of Nepal. The Green City Women's Group is a highly successful and active public improvements group run by and for the women of the community of Ilam. In addition to creating green spaces throughout the municipality of Ilam, the group has focused on raising awareness of women, especially in the areas of waste management, kitchen gardens, sanitation and hygiene, improved cook stoves to reduce indoor air pollution (a major environmental health concern for women and children), and strengthening local organizations of women.

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